Stocktrak We Cant Find. Try Again?

Student StockTrak Technical Support and FAQ

Student's Frequently Asked Questions

Need assist with your portfolio? This is the identify to start!

If you can't find the respond to your question here, utilise the support form at the bottom of the folio and we volition get back to you lot within ane business solar day.

Full general Questions

About Stock-Trak

[For Individual Investors] How do I abolish my account and stop payments?

In order to cancel your account, please utilize the contact us class and our help desk-bound will assist you in canceling your account. For individual investors, we offer a 30-24-hour interval coin back guarantee, no questions asked.

Does Stock-Trak Account For Dividends & Splits?

Yes, each day we receive an updated list of stocks that take split or have paid a dividend. The dividends and splits are then deemed for on the website. If we happen to have missed one, please fill the form below so that nosotros tin employ it.

How are Alpha/Beta rankings calculated?

For more information regarding the Alpha/Beta rankings, please visit our PDF of Alpha and Beta Calculations.

How is the Sharpe Ratio calculated?

For an explanation of the Sharpe Ratio measure out and how it is calculated on the website, please run across our PDF,What is Sharpe Ratio?

I received the following message when I tried to register : "There is no Active Tournaments with this Grade Proper name". What exercise I practise?

This message usually pops-upwards when the class name is not entered correctly. To receive the exact form code,please fill the course at the bottom of this pagewith the following information:

  1. Name of your professor
  2. Proper noun of your institution
  3. Class name and class code

What are Trading Notes?

Trading Notes are comment and explanations that can be added per each trade and order. Professors tin see the reasoning of an action and the comments by adding a Note. To add/view a annotation, users tin can click on "Add/View Notes" in the Order History or Transaction History.


What types of securities can I purchase?

Stock-Trak allows trading of Equities(stocks), Common Funds, Bonds, Options, Spots, Futures and Future Options. It is upwards to the grade creator to determine what securities are allowed to exist traded in his/her game.

My Account

How can I change my username?

To change your username, make full out the grade at the bottom of this page and provide the new username you would similar to have. Please provide two or three alternating names in case your offset choice is taken.

Delight write your current username too to help united states of america find your account.

My Portfolio

Can I place orders when the marketplace is closed?

Yes! You can make a trade after the market has closed. Your trade will be filled at the open up cost of the stock at the next market place open.

How can I abolish an order?

You can but cancel open orders. To see your open orders and to cancel whatever of them, become to the "My portfolio" tab and select the Order History in the sub-menu.


How practice I dispute a merchandise?

To report a possible error, please fill out the asking class below and tell us the symbol and date/time of the trade(southward) in question. (Example: AAPL on 2013-12-17 at 11:xx am). Providing equally many details as possible and whatever screenshots to back up your request volition greatly assistance speed up the review process.

How do I commencement making trades?

To make a trade, start past hovering your pointer over the "Trading" tab and and so select the blazon of security you'd like to trade from the drop-downwardly bill of fare. From hither y'all select what action (buy, sell, cover, brusque) you wish to take, the gild blazon (market, limit, stop, abaft % or $) and make full in the balance of the required information. And then click "Preview Order" and if y'all are satisfied with information technology, click "Identify Club" to confirm your trade.

Trading Tutorial Video:

How do I trade on margin or take out a loan?

If margin trading is allowed in your course tournament, then you will automatically begin trading on margin (or have a loan) once you take wearied all of your available cash. You will likewise automatically commencement paying interest on your loan. Additionally, the loan will automatically exist paid off one time you liquidate your positions.

Practise not get confused with margin requirements with futures and options. This is more than like a line of credit or loan.

I am getting the message "order total $10.twenty + open position total $x.xx must not exceed maximum position size $10.xx" when trying to make a trade. What does this hateful?

This means that your order is violating the position limit rule set by the professor. Position limit is the maximum % of your portfolio value that tin can be comprised of 1 single security. And then for instance if your position limit is 25%, then no unmarried security tin can make up more than 25% of your portfolio value. Professors tin also choose to prepare different position limits for unlike types of securities when creating their class.

I bought XXX amount of shares, merely I got YYY amount of shares. Why?

If you lot practise non accept acceptable greenbacks and/or buying power, then the number of shares will be adjusted to allow the trade to exist filled as best it can.

I have accidentally placed a trade, tin can you fix it for me?

We can only brand corrections to user errors with the direct permission of the Professor/Class Administrator. Please accept them contact us on your behalf if you need a fault corrected.

I placed an order, but I tin't find information technology in my open positions. Why not?

To meet the status of whatever order, check your "Order History" folio. There are several reasons why you can't see your society in "Open Positions":

  • i. If your society requested volume greater than 50% of bachelor volume, then your order will remain awaiting until sufficient volume is available.
  • ii. If you lot placed the society exterior market hours, y'all guild will stay open up until next market open up.
  • three. Limit and End orders remain open until your requested cost has been hit.

I want historical data on my portfolio where do I become?

There is a wide range of historical information that can be seen and exported.

For historical values:

  • Go toGraph my portfolio and click on historical portfolio values.
  • Go to Portfolio Summary and either export the entirety of your data from the driblet downwardly carte (Account Balances, Transactions, Open up positions) or but alter the day you wish to verify.

For transactions:

  • Become to Transaction History in the "My Portfolio" bill of fare bar. From at that place yous tin either modify the engagement range or hit the excel consign icon in the top right corner.

For contempo orders:

  • Go to Order History under the "My Portfolio" tab. From there you tin either change the appointment range or hit the excel consign icon in the peak right corner.

For historical rankings:

  • Become to Rankings under the "My Portfolio" tab. Yous tin can export to Excel the portfolio and the Alpha/Beta rankings as of the selected appointment.

I want to trade on strange markets.

Exchange charge per unit calculations are done automatically when making trades on foreign markets. At that place is no extra work on your function, though information technology is expert to be enlightened of potential gains/losses you may feel due to commutation rates.

You do not need to commutation money in a different currency, it is done automatically when buying, selling, shorting and covering.

In my open positions, I have a stock that says concluding price $0 and my values are incorrect, should I let yous know?

Yep, this could mean the symbol has stopped trading for a number of reasons or that there is an error with the security in our system. Please inform us of any bug you may come across equally nosotros always piece of work to right the issue as quickly as possible.

Limits/Stops/Trailing orders – Why it did non execute?

Sometimes, due to a quick gap up or downward, the stock may only trade at your limit price for a few seconds and so chop-chop bounce off of your 'limit toll'. As a result, your guild will not get filled.  This is normal and occurs on whatsoever trading platform, including existent stock brokerages.

Also note that the bid or ask (whichever is applicable) must as well hit that limit.

Stock ABC had a symbol alter. When will my portfolio reverberate this?

The system automatically makes symbol changes each morning, and so this should happen right abroad. If your portfolio doesn't reflect this modify within 24 hours, delight contact us using theform at the bottom of this folio,and include a link to a news story or press release mentioning the symbol modify for verification.

Stock ABC shares divide. When will my portfolio reflect this?

The system automatically implements stock splits before the market place opens, so this should happen right abroad. If your portfolio doesn't reflect this alter within 24 hours, please contact u.s. using the class at the bottom of this page, and include a link to a news story or press release mentioning the symbol change for verification.

The ABC Stock is merely $1.00, but your site has information technology listed at $x.00. What gives?

Please contact us using the form at the lesser of this page if in that location is an fault, we volition gladly ready it!

The price paid is different from the preview toll. Why?

Getting a different cost from the preview can exist due to many factors.

  1. The prices shown on the order preview have a fifteen minute filibuster, just we execute all orders in U.s. markets using the real-time bid/ask prices
  2. Yous were looking at the "last price" instead of either the bid or the enquire price. This can exist a large gap for some stocks, well-nigh usually for stocks with low book.
  3. There is a slight lag between confirming and the preview, the cost can alter in that time.
  4. The order did not execute immediately. This is nigh common with stocks with low book.

If y'all still believe there is an event with the prices you tin contact u.s. using the class at the bottom of this folio with your username and a screenshot of the correct bid – inquire cost at that fourth dimension.

What is "System Cancelled" in Order History?

"System Cancelled" means that either an admin or the systems' automatic trade rules cancelled an order. This is generally due to insufficient buying ability or you tried to purchase likewise much of one asset and we're blocked by the position limit.

Where can I come across all my open positions?

Under the "My Portfolio" tab select the "Open Positions" sub-menu – click on it to encounter all your open up positions.


Where tin I see how many trades I have left?

Y'all tin run across the number of trades you take remaining on your Dashboard, in the "Snapshot" box.


Why are the trades that I have placed remaining open up?

For an order to go through, a number of factors take to be satisfied:

  • 1.Yous must take enough buying power.
  • ii.There must be adequate volume on the market, since nosotros only allow users to merchandise upwards to one-half of the book of any security on the market.
  • 3. You must not exceed your position limit. The default position limit is 25% which means you cannot put more than 25% of your portfolio value in a single security. Delight note that but professors have the ability to alter the position limit for their classes.

Once all three factors are satisfied, and given the market is open up of course, the trades should execute correct away.

Why tin't I place an order?

There are several rules which may prevent yous from placing an order:

  • ane. Your challenge hasn't started nonetheless: Please check with your instructor for the beginning and finish dates of your challenge.
  • ii. Minimum Stock Price: The minimum stock cost must be $iii.00 or higher
  • 3. Position Limit: Y'all may not buy/sell an amount of securities that would exist greater than 25% of your portfolio value.
  • iv. Insufficient Volume: If the desired security does not take sufficient volume to execute, then the order volition stay awaiting until filled or canceled. By default the volume in the existent markets must be double the corporeality yous are attempting to trade.
  • 5. No Shorting Penny Stocks: You may not brusque sell any stock whose value is less than $iii.00.
  • 6. No Penny Stocks on Margin: Buying stocks on margin (loan) priced less than $3.00 is not permitted.
  • 7. Insufficient Buying Ability: Y'all are out of money. Close some of your open up positions to regain buying power.
  • 8. Your Challenge has concluded: Please check with your instructor if the challenge has ended.

Basics Of The Stock Market place

How does i decide which stock to buy or sell?

A wise investor will e'er conduct some blazon of assay before making an investment — acting on hot tips or blindly following the oversupply rarely pays off. A great to get-go is to look around and find the spending habits of their families, friends and even themselves—what are they buying? Are they buying more than they apply to buy? What products practise you always employ and trust, and which ones yous do non use anymore?

Students should start watching business channels on TV, and start reading a few of the popular stock market websites. Here is a list of popular sources for financial news:

  • Yahoo! Finance
  • Bloomberg
  • Forbes
  • Investor's Business Daily
  • The Motley Fool

What are "Restricted Funds" that I see in my account?

Restricted Funds are set bated when you place any limit orders that are not immediately filled. The funds are needed in the event that your limit toll is met and triggers the action you lot requested. When your limit order is filled, the restricted funds are used to consummate the transaction.

Restricted funds are likewise created when you place a marketplace order when the market is closed. As with limit orders, the restricted funds will exist used in one case the gild executes.

What does information technology mean to "Long" or "Short" a stock or the stock market?

Anybody has heard the old adage "Buy low and sell high." When a trader buys a stock, he is said to accept a "long" position. He is "long" because he believes the stock price is going college. This is also known as being "Bullish" or a 'Bull" on the market.

Conversely, a trader can also brand money when he thinks a stock is going to decrease in price. Instead of ownership low and selling high, a trader can "Sell loftier and buy low." In this example, a banker will actually loan the trader shares of stock that the trader then sells. At this signal, the trader has "sold curt" the stock and believes the price is going to exist lower. This is also known every bit being "Bearish" or a 'Bear" on the market. When the toll has fallen, the trader buys the stock at a lower cost and "covers" his "short" position. The trader then takes the shares that he merely bought and returns them to the broker from whom he borrowed the shares.

What is a "Bid/Ask"?

The stock exchanges provide the valuable service of bringing together all of the buyers and the sellers of stocks each day and matching the buyers and sellers that agree on a price. The exchanges go along runway of all of the open up orders and show the highest buy lodge price as the "bid price" and show the lowest sell social club price as the "ask price." The "ask" is the price the person who owns the stock is asking to sell his shares.

What is a "Limit Lodge"?

A limit lodge is an order in which a specific price is set to buy or sell a security. If the toll point is hitting and there is sufficient volume at that price point or amend, your gild will be filled.  Limit orders may be placed every bit "Solar day" orders which are good for the twenty-four hour period simply, or equally "GTC" orders, which are good until canceled.

What is a "Market Order"?

A market order is an order to buy or sell a specified number of shares (or bonds, etc. ) at the best available cost when the order is submitted. All orders that don't bear a specific cost are considered market orders.

Market orders placed while the markets are closed or before the market opens will be executed at an advisable bid/inquire price shortly after the marketplace opens and contingent to trading volume on that particular stock. If the stock requested does not have sufficient book to execute, then that order volition stay pending until filled or canceled.

What is a "Mutual Fund"?

Mutual funds are a professionally managed blazon of collective investment portfolio that pools money from many investors and invests information technology in stocks, bonds or other securities. The common fund is operated by a fund manager that trades the pooled money on a regular footing.

What is a "Stock"?

Companies initially enhance money past selling their stock. A share of stock represents fractional ownership of a business concern. When you buy shares of stock in a company, you are buying a modest fraction of the business and all the profits that go along with information technology. For example, if ABC Visitor needed to raise $1,000,000 they could sell 100,000 shares at $ten. Each share that you endemic would represent 1/100,000th buying of the visitor.

Continue in listen that some companies are "public" and some companies are "private". Private companies are smaller companies that have raised coin through a small-scale number of investors and their stock does not have an active marketplace where it tin can be bought and sold. Public companies accept sold their stock to many investors (shareholders) and take registered their shares with the Securities and Exchange Committee and with an exchange (NYSE, AMEX, or NASDAQ) and hence their shares tin can be bought and sold with ease on an commutation.

The two chief types of shares are mutual and preferred stocks. Common stock gives the possessor the correct to vote at shareholder meetings and receive dividends if whatever are declared. While preferred shares typically don't confer voting rights, they have priority over common shares for earnings and assets. This means when a visitor declares dividends, preferred shareholders are paid before common ones and have a higher merits to assets if the company goes bankrupt and is liquidated.

What is a "Stop Order"?

A terminate order is an order to buy or sell a stock when the stock price reaches a specified price, which is known as a stop price. When the specified cost is reached, the stop guild becomes a market lodge.

  • (a)  A Sell Stop Order is used past investors and traders long a stock to protect an existing turn a profit or avoid further losses if the stock cost drops. A terminate social club to sell must exist placed beneath the current market price.
  • (b)  A Buy Stop Order is used by investors and traders brusque a stock to protect a profit or limit a loss if the stock price increases. A stop order to buy must be entered at a toll above the current market price.

Stop orders may be placed equally "Mean solar day" orders which are good for the day only, or as "GTC" orders, which are proficient until canceled.

For example, if you own 100 shares of IBM at $100/share and you want to sell it if the stocks goes upward to $110, that would be a limit sell guild; just, if you lot wanted to sell if the stock price drops to $95 so every bit to limit your losses, that would be a terminate sell order.

What is an "Open up Gild"?

A market order that was placed when the market was airtight and has not filled yet, or a limit/terminate order that has been placed but the price has not been met withal and therefore has not executed nevertheless is called an open social club.

What is mean solar day trading? Am I immune to day trade?

Twenty-four hours trading is when you are able to buy and sell the aforementioned stock on the same twenty-four hours. Go on in mind that such frequent trading will generate lots of committee charges and that you are limited to a certain number of trades for the Challenge.

Whether day trading is allowed is dependent on the tournament y'all are in.

What time is the Us market open?

The North-American stock market opens at 9:30AM EST and closes at iv:00PM EST. Any trade fabricated when markets are closed will exist processed the next business organization day. This is only true for stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Futures trade at different times.

Markets are CLOSED for these Federal Holidays in the U.S.: New year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents' 24-hour interval, Memorial Day, Independence Twenty-four hour period, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (observed). On the mean solar day following Thanksgiving and frequently the day earlier Christmas, the market will close at ane:00 pm EST.

Trading Rules

How is the brokerage committee determined?

Commissions are decided upon by the professor and tin be fix as fixed $ amounts per trade, per share or a % full of each trade.

What are the trading hours and at what prices are trades executed at?

Stock-Trak executes all North American stocks, options, and futurity orders at real time prices. Mutual funds and bonds are executed at end of day prices while trades from international stocks are delayed xv-30 minutes. Since the markets shut at four pm ET., trades fabricated after that fourth dimension will exist executed at the opening price of the next trading day. Please note that although trades are executed at real fourth dimension prices, and that the bid and enquire prices are existent time; the prices you lot see in your open positions are delayed by 10–15 minutes.

What counts as a merchandise?

Every successful transaction you make (purchase, sell, short or embrace) is counted equally a trade. Open and cancelled orders practice not count against your trade limit. Dividends and stock splits practise not count equally trades.

What is my initial greenbacks balance?

Your initial cash remainder is decided by the professor/grade ambassador when creating the game and tin can vary from thousands of dollars to hundreds of millions in the currency of their option. Yous can view the initial cash balance by clicking "Portfolio Summary" under the "My Portfolio" tab.

If y'all are an private investor you lot can contact us to modify your initial portfolio value.


Security Blazon Questions

Not all challenges allow all security types. Check your Portfolio Summary page to review what is allowed in your current challenge.


Tin I short stocks?

Aye, curt selling is permitted and brusque orders do not need an uptick to be filled. You can brusk sell stocks that are priced greater than $iii.00.  Proceeds from a short sell are restricted and cannot be used to purchase additional stocks. You can view the gain from shorts as 'Curt Balance' on your account remainder folio or make a trade page.

Tin can I merchandise halted, restricted and blocked stocks?

No, you lot cannot trade halted, restricted and blocked stocks. Any trade that is confirmed after trading has been halted volition exist reversed.

Can I trade stocks on markets outside of North America?

Yes, nosotros let stock trades on many unlike exchanges beyond Latin America, Europe and Asia besides every bit North America as long as the tournament you are in has allowed it.

Where can I wait upwardly security symbols for stocks?

When making trades, you lot must know the ticker symbol of the securities to be traded.  Become to the 'Symbol Lookup' page under the "Quotes/Inquiry" tab and enter the full or partial company name and click "Search".


Mutual Funds

Can I short mutual funds?

No, yous can only purchase mutual funds in long positions.

I establish a mutual fund that does not end in X or ends in Twenty?

No, all Us common funds are 5 letter symbols ending in X (VALBX, GARFX, ICTWX, etc.). Symbols that terminate in XX would hateful it is a Money Marketplace fund.

I placed an lodge on some Common Funds just I want to abolish it. Tin can I do that?

Yes, yous tin can as long as you abolish the social club prior to 4:00 PM EST. Go to the "My portfolio" tab and select "Lodge History" from the sub-bill of fare. From this folio select all or open orders and you can cancel the order.


I see I take 11.87 as a quantity. Is this normal?

Yes, y'all tin own fractional units for Mutual Funds. When selling make sure to select "Liquidate position" if you wish to sell the entirety of your mutual funds. Otherwise, y'all could become stuck with a few extra units if the cost changes at settlement.


My common fund social club says I accept 0 quantity. Why?

The gild volition say you have 0 quantity to purchase because the order price is undetermined until settlement at half dozen:00 PM EST. You will go the amount in $ you lot asked for, just the quantity is undetermined until settlement.


My Mutual Fund orders are not going through. Why?

Mutual fund orders do not work like other types of securities. Orders tin can be placed throughout the solar day, only they are only candy/filled at approximately vi:00 pm EST. Any orders placed later on 4:00 pm EST will not exist filled until vi:00 pm EST the following day. Do no worry if your order has not executed before 7:00 pm EST.


How practise I exercise options?

Options do not take to be exercised in club to realize whatever potential gains. In fact you really lose coin by exercising them, since you paid a fourth dimension premium to buy them which is lost if you exercise the options. They can also exist traded like whatever other security or they tin can exist held until expiration. If they are held until expiration, the system will settle the contracts in cash.

If you practise wish to practice your options, you can click the "Exercise" push button on your Open up Positions page next to the option y'all wish to practice.

How practice I write an option?

To write an selection, go to the option trading screen and select "Sell to Open". Similarly, if you wish to close the written position, select "Buy to Shut".


My selection orders are not filling. Why?

Each particular choice contract has its own trading book and information technology is very likely that your option orders aren't filling because those contracts have picayune to no volume in the real world. Fifty-fifty options for huge stocks similar GOOG and AAPL nevertheless have much, much lower book than the stock itself. Options on smaller company's stocks oft accept no book except for the strike prices that are very close to the stock'due south current trading price.

To check the volume of an option you are trying to buy or sell, become to the options trading folio and enter in all the details as you normally would when making an lodge. When you have finished, you will see a quote for the choice itself appear right under the visitor's stock quote. If the option's volume is smaller than your society quantity then the club likely will not fill.


How did I lose and so much on futures?

Futures have very high multipliers. Each future has different multipliers and and then a small alter in the underlying asset price can, in some cases, create very large losses (or gains).

The Us marketplace is open up, why is my futures social club not executing?

Futures do not trade at the same time as the stock market. Please see CMEGroup for the futures you are interested in. For example, currency futures merchandise nearly 24 hours whereas others have a trading halt throughout most of the day.

Where can I find more than data about my futures contracts?

You tin click hither to find more than information on the contract specifications per future contract. For the futures expiration calendar, click here for more than information.

Why tin't I curt future options?

Future options are already infrequently traded. Shorting future options is very infrequent in the real world, and then to reverberate this we have disabled it on our platform.

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